Monday, 19 May 2008

V. Evaluation

1. Assess your own responses as compared to the others’ responses
and evaluate your project or plan with the help of colleagues on the basis of the following check list:
(A) Does it include clear objectives that are "connected" with contents?
(B) Does it include knowledge on “teaching on an online environment?
(C) Does it includes activities or experiences to learn about online education?
(D) Does it include how to evaluate and improve it?
Briefly explain the strengths of your project and hand in to the instructor.

2. Take the post-test and evaluate this module as follows:

1. What does mean “teaching in an online environment”?
2. What are its characteristics?
3. How important is to learn about teaching in an online environment?
4. Are there any similarities/differences between both paradigms (traditional and modern)?
Please mention at least 2 of each.

Evaluate this Module:

- Identify strengths and weaknesses.
- Were the specific objectives and content (disciplinary and pedagogical)
accurate and up to date?
- Did the module stimulate questions, inquiry, and encourage field work?
- Were appropriate readings and resources available?
- Any suggestions to improve this site?

THE RUBRIC by Stephen Kemp:

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