Overall, this blog is an example of an authentic activity and online learning.
In our Module, our introduction explained the content, provided an overview of the module, and stimulated interest in the module.We used both full-text and multimedia resources.
Evaluation, involved the discrimination and comparison between ideas or assessing the value of theories or presentations.
High degree of interaction promoted between students, content, and design team.
Development of higher order thinking skills, students encouraged to produce knowledge, and there was a clear and direct relationship between the objectives, activities and resources provided.
The assignment was related to the objectives and activities, was stimulating, interesting and creative, promoted presentation of resources, and stimulated students to create new knowledge.
The evaluation scheme was clear and well described, consistent with the objectives and instructional strategy utilized, and showed evidence of creativity in its approach.
Our team responded to the discussion items posted.
The synthesis and summary of both the discussion forum postings as well as the chat sessions dialogue were comprehensive and totally related to the objectives of the content module.
Leadership role in the design, development and delivery of our group’s module.
Overall, the design, development and delivery process of our team’s content module demonstrated a superior level of effort, creativity, knowledge and application of skills.
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